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A Food Industry Web Guide

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Here’s Why Grocery Prices Will Fall

2019-06-25T12:51:38-04:00May , 2017|

And will probably continue to fall May, 2017 -  Anyone who shops at a large supermarket may have noticed a price war that has been brewing among major chains which has been bringing the cost of food down. The primary reason is due to an effort by Walmart to react to, [...]

Food Industry Links: Plants/Facilities Operations

2022-01-31T07:32:47-05:00April , 2017|

HOME » Link Library » Plants and Facilities Tracking Systems in the Food Industry This White Paper from CEIS explores how food companies can gain a competitive advantage by deploying tracking/traceability systems. FPSA.ORG The website for The Food Processing Suppliers Association trade association and sponsors of The Process Expo trade show. Guidance for Small & [...]

Shrinkflation: How food and beverage companies respond to inflation

2021-10-13T07:32:27-04:00July , 2021|

Even if the American shopper can't fully articulate it in economic terms, most know that inflation is hitting them where it hurts - in the shopping cart. The US Government has a complicated process to determine what the inflation rate is in the economy and they claim that the [...]

Food Industry Links: Labor/Jobs/Careers

2022-01-31T06:46:46-05:00April , 2017|

HOME » Link Library » Labor/Jobs/Careers Food Processing Occupations An informative starting point for data and links for food processing occupations compiled by Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Also includes tobacco worker info. University and College Programs Many colleges and universities provide training and full degree programs [...]

Food Industry Links: Ingredients

2022-02-03T15:27:24-05:00April , 2017|

HOME » Link Library » Ingredients Ingredients Market Research Reports & Food Industry Analysis Reports MarketResearch.Com's page to reports and papers about food ingredients from leading researchers, consultants and associations. The reports cost from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars. Supplier Directory's ingredient database provide information [...]

Top 10 Trends in Food Packaging

2023-11-22T11:17:43-05:00November , 2023|

The landscape of food packaging is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements, consumer preferences, and environmental concerns. Below we've gathered some of the top trends shaping the food packaging industry: Sustainability and Eco-friendliness: A surge in demand for environmentally responsible packaging has led to the development of biodegradable materials, [...]

How many people in the U.S. buy their groceries online?

2019-11-26T15:24:20-05:00July , 2019|

For decades now, there have been studies and articles predicting that grocery shopping will join the e-tailing revolution ushered in by Amazon.Com. Amazon has indeed changed the retail landscape forever and we can't rule out that they - or some other up and coming company - will make online [...]

Free Company Page

2023-02-08T15:02:21-05:00February , 2023|

Qualified food industry businesses can get a FREE Company Page that will reside in the FoodIndustry.Com Companies Section. Our editors regularly create Company Pages that include a brief company overview and links to the company website, LinkedIn Page and other sites that provide more company details. We'll be [...]

Nanotechnology: How small particles are changing the food industry

2023-11-22T10:36:59-05:00July , 2022|

Nanotechnology is the science of working with, and manipulating, matter and particles that are smaller than 100 nanometers. This technology has been used to create products such as lasers, transistors, and vaccines. The food industry is an area where nanotechnology is having a major impact and the use of [...]

Charting the rise in UK retail food prices

2023-11-22T09:31:30-05:00January , 2022|

The Food Foundation (TFF) is an independent charity focused on challenges in the UK food system. They maintain an online food price tracker that tracks changes in food price indices using CPI data from the UK's Office for National Statistics and they chart data from the Food and Agriculture [...]

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