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Many in Food Industry Hope “The Common Sense Nutrition Act” Will Supplant Obama Era Menu Labeling Rules

2017-05-03T21:41:35-04:00April , 2017|

[vc_row 0=""][vc_column 0=""][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id="headerad"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_column_text]HOME  »  News » Many in Food Industry Hope Law Will Supplant Obama Menu Labeling Rules[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Many in Food Industry Hope "The Common Sense Nutrition Act" Will Supplant Obama Era Menu Labeling Rules Published on April 30, 2017 by FoodIndustry.Com Editorial Staff  | FDA enforcement of [...]

Food Industry Links: AG Equipment & Technology

2022-01-31T06:17:14-05:00April , 2017|

HOME » Link Library » AG Equipment & Technology Farm Equipment Manufacturers Association A group of small manufacturers of specialized agricultural equipment - the website includes a searchable product directory. Precision AG Precision Ag is a magazine that covers agriculture technologies and trends. John Deere Ag Machine Finder This [...]

What are the profit margins in the fast food business?

2023-01-13T21:24:11-05:00July , 2021|

Profit margins in the fast food sector vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size of the company, the specific business model, and the cost of food and labor. However, generally, fast food restaurants have relatively high profit margins compared to other types of businesses. According [...]

What do proposed changes to the FDA’s Human Foods Program mean?

2023-11-22T09:35:22-05:00February , 2023|

First off - What is the Human Foods Program? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Human Foods Program is a division of the FDA that is responsible for ensuring the safety and proper labeling of food products for human consumption. This program carries out various activities such as [...]

The Three Primary Objectives of Modern Food Traceability Systems

2023-12-11T08:55:30-05:00January , 2017|

There's more to it than just food safety Traceability means the ability to record, track and verify a product's history and location as it moves through a supply chain. Technology such as barcodes or RFID tags along with traceability software systems make tracing almost any product possible. However, there are [...]

A Breakdown of Farms in The United States

2023-11-22T10:30:19-05:00November , 2020|

Every 5 years the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service conducts The Census of Agriculture. The census provides comprehensive, nationwide agricultural data and includes a complete count of US farms and ranches in the United States.The last complete census was the 2017 Census of Agriculture and the next census will [...]

How is the plant-based food meat segment evolving?

2023-12-05T05:58:11-05:00October , 2023|

The plant-based meat market has growth potential but faces challenges like a decline in U.S. sales, the need for improved taste and affordability, and supply chain disruptions. Global sales are increasing, especially in new product categories, and there are opportunities in foodservice and e-commerce, particularly among younger consumers. But [...]

About The FDA’s Final Rule for Food Traceability

2023-11-22T09:35:24-05:00November , 2022|

Food traceability is an important aspect of food safety as it enables the capability to follow the movement of a food product and its ingredients through all steps in the supply chain, both backward and forward. In November of 2022, The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued its [...]

Charting the rise in UK retail food prices

2023-11-22T09:31:30-05:00January , 2022|

The Food Foundation (TFF) is an independent charity focused on challenges in the UK food system. They maintain an online food price tracker that tracks changes in food price indices using CPI data from the UK's Office for National Statistics and they chart data from the Food and Agriculture [...]

Newly confirmed Ag Secretary advocates ‘renegotiating’ NAFTA

2022-01-31T11:25:18-05:00May , 2017|

Newly confirmed Ag Secretary advocates 'renegotiating' NAFTA Published on May 3, 2017 by FoodIndustry.Com Editorial Staff  In an interview on Wednesday, newly confirmed US Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue said that the administration would renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico to a focus on [...]

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