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Ingredients Market Research Reports & Food Industry Analysis Reports
MarketResearch.Com’s page to reports and papers about food ingredients from leading researchers, consultants and associations. The reports cost from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars.

FoodIngredientsFirst.com Supplier Directory 
FoodIngredientsFirst.com’s ingredient database provide information on over 5000 ingredients suppliers.

Food Navigator USA
Industry news, product information and links to leading suppliers serving the food development industry.

Food Engineering Magazine
Food Engineering magazine covers issues of importance to operations, engineering, production, and senior management at food & beverage manufacturing companies.

Food Master Directories
FoodMaster.Com’s categorized directories for suppliers of food ingredient and food processing equipment.

In the European Union food additives are assigned a number code called an e-number. This Wikipedia page provides a good overview and lists the codes.

Food Additive Wiki 
Wikipedia food additives page provides a good overview of additives and lots of links.

International Food Additives Council
An industry information site with PDF files that describe the regulation process, industry articles and pages about food gums, phosphates and microbial food cultures.

FDA’s Food Ingredients & Packaging Page
This is a good starting page for quick links to food additive issues and information that can be found on the FDA website.

FDA’s FAQs on GRAS (pdf file)
A list of frequently asked questions is intended to be a convenient place to find answers to common questions about the classification known as “generally recognized as safe” or “GRAS.”

Preservatives News Page
This is a link to FoodNavigator.Com‘s page of news and articles about preservatives and acidulants.

Asia Food Journal’s Ingredients Newswire
A list of ‘ingredient’ articles from AsiaFoodJournal.Com.

Visit this website and click on categories to find protein/calorie information for a wide variety of food products.