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Great American Publishing
Publishers of several crop magazines including Fresh Cut, Spudman, Vegetable Growers News and Fruit Growers News

The Atlantic: Food
Some great articles and resources (mostly consumer but some industry specific) all about food from The Atlantic Magazine.

IRI Insights – Publications and reports on consumer and store trends.

NYT Topics Pages
The New York Times makes its new item available by industry and sector. Here are links to pages of interest:

Fast Food Business
Food Safety
Food Prices & Supply

FDA Recall News
From the Food and Drug Administration, this site lists food recalls, market withdrawals, & safety alerts.

Ad Week
Covers marketing, advertising, brand and identity promotion efforts of major brands.

This site provides a wide variety of industry news and articles with a focus on topics that affect consumers.

This site is sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and promotes healthy eating among children to prevent childhood obesity, especially among low-income, racial and ethnic populations.

Food safety and nutrition information for consumers from the International Food Information Council.

FMI – The Food Industry Association
Previously called The Food Marketing Institute, FMI- The Food Industry Association remains a national trade association and advocacy group serving major retailers and wholesalers. 

National Grocers Association
Association of retail and wholesale grocers who are in the independent sector of the food distribution business.

The Future of Grocery Retail
Articles and ideas on how technology is shaping the retail grocery biz courtesy of large international software vendor SAP.

Natural Products Insider
Trade magazine that provides editorial on ingredients, flavors, and related content for the food product development executives; the site hosts a useful online buyer’s guide.

The Food Institute
A non-profit organization that disseminates information about the food industry; it develops custom research, publishes a wide variety of reports and newsletters and hosts an online training site.

The Consumer Brands Association
What used to be called The Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA) lost some major sponsors and has been re-branded at The  Consumer Brands Association. Their primary mission is to represent the interests of large food, beverage and CPG companies in Washington DC.

Food Politics
Nutrition, food, politics and more interest at this informative blog authored by Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition, food studies and public health.